Monday, 24 December 2012

BREAKING NEWS - Really? - PCI Compliance is Mandatory

If you're thinking "That's hardly breaking news?" I would tend to agree. However, it is still providing plenty of copy even though the PCI DSS was introduced seven long years ago. At the time it was 'mandatory' and 'urgent' but the problem now is that, so many firms have avoided or delayed measures that overcoming the apathy often associated with PCI compliance is getting more difficult.

I read this last week on

PCI SSC: Firms Must Perform Rigorous Risk Assessments

I couldn't agree more with one of the points made by Bob Russo, General Manager of the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). Mr. Russo is quoted as saying "The standard requires an annual risk assessment, because the DSS (data security standard) validation is only a snapshot of your compliance at a particular point in time. Therefore, it is possible that changes that have been made to a system since the previous evaluation could have undermined security protections or opened up new vulnerabilities"

In other words, real time file integrity monitoring coupled with  continuous server hardening checks is essential for PCI compliance - read more about both areas here.

And then two days later, I was sent a link to this article

Even the tiniest firms face fines for failing to protect credit card details

This is more interesting because the Daily Mail is about as mainstream as you can get in the UK - whatever you think about the newspaper's editorial leanings, this was published as contemporary, newsworthy copy for it's readers. The angle is about small firms needing to adhere to the PCI DSS requirements - again, not really news, as right from day one, anyone handling cardholder data has been burdened with a duty of care over it. Most small firms either run transactions directly to their bank or via an on-line service like Worldpay, so their main concerns for PCI compliance is to be aware of the risks and take care of the basics, such as

1. Don't write down, or store in any other form, cardholder details. If you need to regularly re-use a customers card details, you'll either need to ask for them again each time, or use your banks 'vault' facilities (based on tokenized card data)

2. Check you Pin Entry Device regularly and don't let anyone tamper with it. Card skimming is still one of the biggest card theft opportunities - see this video for the basics. In the UK, Chip and PIN has significantly reduced the risk but in the US and other parts of the world where card handling checks are limited to a superficial signature (that is rarely even checked against the card), card skimming still pays dividends. Of course, just because Track 1 data from a card is stolen in the UK, the card can still be cloned and used anywhere in the world where Chip and PIN is not enforced.

3. Make sure you are learning from the PCI DSS - work to use as many of the measures as you can. Even if you are using an online service to process a card payment transaction, the PC used to enter the details could be compromised by a key logger or other malware designed to steal data. Hardening your systems in line with Best Practice checklist guidance, Firewalling, Anti Virus, File Integrity Monitoring and Logging will all ensure your systems are secure and that you have the visibility of potential security threats before they can be used to steal card data.

If you can follow some of these basic steps then you'll be able to ensure that your company doesn't end up as headline news for the next card data theft story.

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